
Clay Center Area Churches
The churches that are underlined and appear in blue have their own webpage that you can link to. Click on the blue.
Alert Covenant Church, Dwight Diller, Pastor, 5 miles east of Green, Ks on CO-378
Bethel United Methodist Church, Debra Thomsett-Welch, Pastor, Longford, KS
Bible Methodist, Bob Leonard, Pastor, 8 & Lincoln, Clay Center
Calvary Baptist Church, David Meadors, Pastor, 11th & Crawford, Clay Center
Clay Center Christian, Christian Hallberg, Pastor, 1021 Crawford, Clay Center, 632-2140
Clay Center United Methodist Church, Ryan Lunch, Pastor, 5th & Clarke, Clay Center, 632-3106
Clay Center Wesleyan, Rob Stewart, Pastor, 1109 Court St, Clay Center, 632-3106
Clyde United Methodist Church, Mary Cross, Pastor, 516 Washington, Clyde, KS 446-2216
Countryside Methodist Church, Rev. Will Kenyon, Pastor, 2189 Broughton Rd, Clay Center, 485-2214
Ebenezer United Methodist Church, Rev. Will Kenyon, Pastor, 6 miles east of Clay Center on Hwy 24,
Emmanuel Independent Baptist Church, W. Schonewies, Pastor, Country Club Hill, Clay Center, 632-5822
Evangelical Conenant Church, Grant Clay, Pastor, 1330 15th St., Clay Center, 632-5653
Fact United Methodist Church, Darlene Nonhof, Pastor, 10 miles north, 4 miles east of Clay Center
Faith United Church Presbyterian, Franklyn Schroeder, Pastor, PO Box 156, Clifton, Ks 455-3482
First Baptist Church, Matthew Coleman, Pastor, 5th & Dexter, Clay Center, 632-5474
First Lutheran ELCA, 7 mi north, 1 mi west of Clay Center
First Presbyterian Church, Scott Lingle, Pastor, 6th & Clarke, Clay Center, KS 632-2813
Fountain of Life Christian Center, Peter MacKinney, Pastor, 1 mile East of Clay Center, KS., 632-5875
Grace Covenant, D.G. & Christina Daniels, Pastor, 13th & Clay St., Clay Center, KS
Green United Methodist Church, Sarah Gill, Pastor, Green, KS
Hebron Reformed Presbyterian Church , Ron Graham, Pastor, 1328 Goodin Dr., Clay Center, KS 632-5861
Heros of Faith Ministries, Roosevelt Smith III, Pastor, 723 Sherman, Clay Center
Idana Presbyterian Church, Idana, KS 632-2813
Industry United Methodist Church, Rob Bolton, Pastor, 411 1st Rd, Longford, KS 388-2711
Jehovah's Witnesses, 5th & Liberty, Clay Center, KS 632-5130
Madura Congregational Church, Todd Britt, Pastor, 8th & Grove, Wakefield, KS
Mizpah United Methodist Church, Debra Tompsett-Welch, Pastor, 11 mi south, 1/4 east of Clay Center 461-5515
Morganville United Methodist Church, Sarah Gill, Pastor, Morganville, KS, 6 mi no. & 4 mi ws of Clay Center
Oakhill Presbyterian Church, Franklyn Schroeder, Pastor, 517 Coates, Oak Hill, KS 388-2167
St. Anthony Catholic Church, Randall Weber, Pastor, Miltonvale, KS,
St. Paul Lutheran Church , Rev. Paul Tessaro, Pastor, 816 9th St. Clay Center, Ks. 632-5301
St. Paul Episcopal Church , Rev. Lavonne Seifert, Priest-in-Charge 6th & Clarke, Clay Center, 632-3200
Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church, Fr. Randall Weber, Pastor, 730 Court, Clay Center, 632-5011
Wakefield United Methodist Church., Rev. Will Kenyon, Pastor, 406 6th St., Wakefield, KS 461-5599. email--
Wakefield Baptist Fellowship, 702 10th St., Wakefield, KS 67487, 785-461-5151. Pastor Bob Melius.
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